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    Bret Davis, DMD, CPT, LVIF

    "Since I mostly do large restorative cases and am an anal perfectionist by nature, I was always frustrated with the previous work that I would receive from other dental laboratories; and I've used many from: Auram to MAC to local AACD accredited labs. It was pure serendipity that Disa Dental Studio contacted me a few years ago to see if I'd like to give them a try. Well, when I do something, I go all the's all or nothing with me; and the first case they ever did for me was a full mouth all porcelain neuromuscular reconstruction. To be honest, it was like opening Christmas to see his case. It was absolutely spot-on perfect with attention to excellence that I knew was possible and was trying to find, but had never seen. Since then, it's been nothing but the same consistent, beautiful mastership that doesn't compliment me, but makes me BETTER! The relationship I have with Bill Marais, owner and operator, is truly exceptional. He's hands down the best I've ever seen...and I've seen and done A LOT!

    Thank you Bill for the dialed in perfect gnathology, absolute zero tolerance maintenance of the occlusion, beautiful life-mimicking artistry from single to full arch/mouth cases, and for the outstanding professional demeanor and zero hint of pretentiousness. You are truly a Class-Act!"

    Bret Davis, DMD, CPT, LVIF


    Dr David Kuhn


    I had the pleasure of meeting Bill Marais at an Occlusion course at LVI in 2006. The first case I sent to Bill was for my new patient co-ordinator. We were blown away by the precision and natural look of his work. Because of this first case, we have sent all of our porcelain work to Bill and the quality and beauty is consistent case after case.
    I have been in practice for 39 years and Bill is simply the best I have ever seen. Not only is his work beautiful, he and Jenny-Lyn are wonderful, kind people. We consider ourselves lucky to have met Bill on that trip to LVI.

    Sincerest Regards,
    David R. Kuhn

    Dr. Kuhn is highly regarded as a speaker on Dental Implants and Cosmetic Dentistry, having presented numerous programs throughout the U. S., Canada, and Mexico.

    Professional affiliations include:

    • Diplomate, International Congress of Oral Implantologists
    • Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry
    • Graduate, Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies
    • Member, American Dental Association
    • Member, Dental Implant Associates of North Carolina (holding various offices including president)



    Henning Visser.... Owner/President/CEO Vitalab Dental Laboratory

    Bill this work is top class. I love the incisal effects! you are a great technician and believe me I worked with great ones like Dr Bob Winter, Don Cornel, and Ed McLaren before and you rank right up there!








    Claudia Denes, DDS

    I've been working with Bill for over 7 years , easy and complicated cases ,and I look forward to working with him on many more... He is a great talent and an amazing master ceramist who will push your skills to the level of excellence, where many of us dream to reach ... He understands clinical fundamentals of Bio-esthetic and functionality and participates with passion in treating comprehensive cases. He 'll give you the ultimate signature of his artistic work ! Bill, your work is exquisite and without it my clinical skills will never be complete, perfecting my professional performances. I so appreciate every case we do together...